Five Steps to Search Engine Marketing Success for B2B Companies


With the highest population in the world, China is also home to the largest consumer network. Both domestic and international brands have been successful in the lucrative market, but for global brands, there are a few extra steps and considerations. For B2B companies looking to grow their business in the Chinese market, knowing the ins and outs of search engine marketing in China is key.



1. Build your Brand

If you don’t already have a strong brand, it’s time to get to work. Succeeding in the Chinese market depends heavily on a robust and vibrant brand. Your business will be competing with thousands of others within the Chinese market, and when utilizing search engine marketing, you need to be confident your brand will stand out amongst the crowd of other B2B companies.



2. Know and Understand your Audience

If a company is going to succeed in the Chinese marketing world, they must have an understanding of Chinese media platforms such as Baidu, WeChat, and Weibo. Baidu is the most popular search engine used in mainland China, and WeChat and Weibo are enormous social platforms with an impressive duality of functions. It is not a stretch to say China runs on WeChat and Weibo. Not only social media functions, but banking, ride-sharing, shopping, and a long list of other functions are done through the Chinese apps. Implementing search engine marketing in China demands your business to be active across the most popular apps in the country to ensure you are reaching the audience you aim to.



3. Invest in PPC

Pay per click (PPC) advertising works to bring users to your business through paid advertising, but with a twist on traditional advertising methods. With PPC, you only pay when a user clicks your ad. When a buyer plugs their item into a search bar, the first suggestions to appear are typically paid ads. Getting ahead of the competition requires careful planning and designing of your strategies for search engine marketing in China.



4. Optimize

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most effective way to optimize your business’s search engine marketing in China. By using keywords popular in search histories, your ad is more likely to be pulled by search engines and suggested to users.



5. Analyze

With your search engine marketing in China developed and optimized, the most important step is analyzing your web traffic and activity. How else will your business know if its advertising is working? Understanding website analytics will help your company distinguish where online users are being directed from, how long they spend on your page, and many other helpful insights.



Search engine marketing in China is incredibly lucrative, but it can be a delicate and complex online world to navigate. The good news is professional companies have already navigated its waters, so your business doesn’t have to do it alone! Westwin is well established as a leader in search engine marketing in China, and it supports big-name transnational brands from across the globe. With their professional services, your business will have an effective entry point into the Chinese market and the largest consumer network in the world.


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